Monday, October 02, 2006

Online Gambling Ban Passes Congress

In a rather slippery move, conservative nutters in Congress attached a ban on Internet gambling to a bill related to port security - and the bill passed...

Of course it did! Who's going to vote against increased port security with Congressional elections just around the corner? So now, thanks to Republican pandering to the religious right (and the fact that Bush is damn well going to sign it), you can no longer play poker online. How does that make you feel? Angry? Then please cast your ballot this November. Get these idiots out of office!

IMHO, the government has no business protecting us from our own vices, but they keep trying. What's next, the return of prohibition, a ban on masturbation, laws against the teaching of evolution, what? Well, it's time to protect yourself from your own government. Vote.

The news is real folks. Several online casinos and poker rooms have already closed US accounts in the wake of the bill's passage and more will follow. If you enjoy online poker and/or casino games, spread the word to bring back the liberals.


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